Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Simplicity At Its Best

This video clip by the group 'The Cruel Sea', is a perfect example of simplicity at it's best. There are no pictures, just the music and words on a black screen. Our lecturer Mr. Stockwell, used the video from 'YouTube' during our first lecture, as an example of how different medias are now interconnected. I found it interesting that lecturers now use quite a lot of information from the Internet in their sessions. It is just another example of how influential the internet has become in the past few years.I found this video to be to be a great example. Despite the rampant murmuring in the class room, the picture less video slowly began to transfix other students as well as myself. I was pulled into the story line. It had my attention, and I began to feel concern for the character and finally,and the end I held my breath in anticipation. To anyone who has not watched this video, lets just say you will not see it coming. Unlike many other artists, 'Cruel Sea', didn't need a showy video clip to get the basis of their song across. Their way it can be noted, was much more effective. They intricately and simply tell a story. Like any story, there are characters, a complication, and a crescendo. This points to the fact, that despite the many new forms of technology we have around us today. Sometimes simplicity is best.

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