Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Now, as the academic year draws tightly to a close. I repose reflectively, on what I have learnt all up from taking the course, 'New Communication Technologies'. I actually enjoyed it overall, for several notable reasons; Firstly is was largely nonrestrictive, meaning that it allowed students to freely and creatively, write about new forms of communication technology, in ways they saw fit. Secondly, I believe that how it required students to write a summery about each lecture every week, allowed for overall, a better absorption of the content.

I believe that this course, has in general, made me think about the growing importance of the Internet and various other new communicative technologies. I learnt how to embed media, pictures, videos and in general understand significantly more about how websites were formed.

Because of the ever growing popularity of the Internet and the constant evolution of ways to communicate, I think that every student should understand thoroughly, how these aspects will most likely be extremely significant features in our careers, someday. especially for students like myself, who are studying Journalism or any other communications degree. The Internet and other forms of new media, are increasingly used in these professions. I have know doubt, that this is a trend which will continue to evolve.

The only problem or criticism I could mention about this course, is the fact that because it is open to the public and every student can access each others blog, this can prose problems regarding originality. If you get my drift. It is all to easy for one student to almost copy and paste, what another has spent time deciphering and writing about.

well, apart from this I found that the course allowed me to be creative (which is what I love) and allowed students to really voice their personal opinions about various issues regarding new communication technologies. Making and uploading the videos was a challenge, but after the initial struggle, I found the result personally, rewarding.

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